Feminist data is an exploratory research project that asks what it means to engage with data from a feminist perspective.

An increasing number of feminist researchers, technologists and activists work with data, create and collect data, think and write about data in many different ways. Feminist data wants to build on and learn from that work to explore what makes data feminist and how feminists make/use data.

News & Resources

Data Feminism

‘Data Feminism’ is an exciting forthcoming (2019) book at MIT Press by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein that introduces technologists to feminist thinking and intersectionality and feminists to the ways in which their work applies to data science and technology.

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Feminist Data Visualisation

Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein have pioneered feminist research on data visualisation. This paper outlines six principles of feminist data visualisation: rethinking binaries, embracing pluralism, examining power relations, contextuality, embodiment and affect, and making labour visible.

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The Feminist Data Set

The Feminist Data Set is an ongoing project by Caroline Sinders. It aims at building a large data set based on feminist ethics that can be used to intersectionally train AI against algorithmic bias.

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Share your thoughts – feminist data needs you, particularly if you are a feminist researcher, technologist or activist working with data or thinking about feminist methods and practice.

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